To cultivate graduates who are not only technically proficient but also possess strong moral values and a commitment to societal betterment.

To foster a learning environment that encourages innovation, creativity, and ethical responsibility among students.

We strive to Foster a profound appreciation for diverse cultural narratives and global perspectives through the study of literature.

Empower students with strong communication and analytical abilities, preparing them to excel in various professional fields and contribute positively to society.

Ensure accessibility by offering quality education that is affordable and inclusive, catering to all sections of society.

Embrace technological advancements to enhance learning experiences and promote innovation in literary studies.

Encourage active engagement with ethical issues, promoting social responsibility and civic engagement among our graduates.

Under Graduate Programmes:

B.A. English Literature

B.A. English Literature


PO1. Knowledge.
To relate the students’ reminiscence with the literary art portrayed for enthusiastic and clear comprehension.
PO2. Problem Analysis.
To read and analyses literatures from a wide range of genres of periods, countries and explore them to a variety of theoretical approaches and ideologies.
PO3. Environment Sustainability.
This guides the learners through literary pieces about different cultures and environment of all ages which is the mark of history and it sustains forever as a monument for upcoming generations.
PO4. Ethics.
Students can interpret their individuality to solve hypothetical contexts and categories the dimensions through the reading of literary texts and sketch their values for life.
PO5. Professional & Society.
To engage and enhance their enthusiasm for literature and create an awareness professionally based on social and cultural importance.
PO6. Communication.
To achieve a high level of competence in the spoken and written language and to communicate effectively in formal and informal registers.
PO7. Modern Tool Usage.
Modern computer gadgets like mobile phones, smart boards, LCD’s are used with an understanding of the limitations.
PO8. Individual & Teamwork.
Students develop their skills of analysis, interpretation, self-expression, and groom them for teamwork through extensive reading and writing.
PO9. Life-long Learning.
Learning is a life-long process. So, it paves the literature student to read throughout their life as a moment to cherish and to gain updated knowledge.


Course Code and Course Name Course Outcomes




CO1: To identify English as an easy language for the purpose of learning

CO2: To acquire language skills with literary appreciation and critical thinking

CO3: To construct a sentence competitively in the spoken and written communication

CO4: To develop a passion for Literature and language

CO5: To develop the different usage of sentences and modes of letter writing



CO1: To gain understanding of the various aspects of the essay its elements, kinds, structure and the changes of language

CO2: To demonstrate through discussion, writing tasks and end exams the ability to interpret and appreciate the literary changes of prose writing.

CO3: To write cogent and well constructed essays and also enhance their vocabulary.

CO4: To gain knowledge of the major traditions of prose written in English.

CO5: To write effectively for a variety of professional and social setting and will develop an awareness of and confidence in their own voice as a writer.




CO1: To have an understanding of fiction

CO2: To analyse about the short stories and the art of writing in general.

CO3: To write short stories on their own.

CO4: To demonstrate the presentation of ideas and concepts creatively in fictional contexts

CO5: To develop an appreciation of how the formal elements of language and genre shape the presentation of short fiction



CO1: To make the students overcome the barriers of English.

CO2: To enable the students comprehend their sufficiency in English.

CO3: To mould students analyze the different aspects of comprehension skills in English.

CO4: To enhance students take on the different competitive examinations in English.

CO5: To prepare students take part in career activities at ease



CO1: To learn the Social history of England and acquire general knowledge about the political perspective in England.

CO2: To correlate the socio-political history with the literary history of English

CO3: To Identify how the literature reflects or refracts the nation’s history

CO4: To appreciate the life of the England people through the incidents and Politics.

CO5: To sketch how wars changed the life of England people and literature




CO1: Understand and gain a rigorous foundation in various scientific disciplines as they apply to environmental science, such as ecology, evolutionary biology, hydrology, and human behavior.

CO2: Understand the primary environmental problems and the science behind those problems and potential solutions.

CO3: Acquire the knowledge about the social issues.

CO4: Learn about the field work of the environmental issues.

CO5: Acquire the knowledge about the pollution and its effects.

 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH CO1:Develop and effectively communicate through verbal/oral Communication and improve the listening skills.

CO2:Develop and actively participate in group discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare & deliver presentations.

CO3:Understand and develop effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of team work, inter- personal relationships, conflict management and leadership quality.

CO4:Understand the individual through goal/target setting, self motivation and practicing creative thinking.

CO5: Enrich the personality.



CO1: To read and comprehend English in the context of acquisition of soft (life) skill.

CO2: To acquire knowledge about three basic genres of literature namely poetry, prose and drama along with their subdivisions emergence in various ages.

CO3:To understanding of the various aspects of the Essay-its elements, kinds, structure and the nuances of language

CO4: To communicate clearly, effectively and handle their day to day affairs well with their knowledge of language skills.

CO5: To apply the basic grammatical rules learnt from the prescribed text.

  29ADSC4 POETRY-I CO1: To comprehend the development of English poetry through the writings of English poets.

CO2: To have gained a natural appeal in terms of universal significance as poetry cuts across all barriers and identify personal experiences that can be used when writing poems.

CO3:To imbibe the poetic language and the prosody of different poets.

CO4: To demonstrate an awareness of the analysis in forming appreciation and understanding of poetry relating the poems to real life experiences

CO5: To correlate the life with the significance of the poets and their poems

   29ADSC5 DRAMA – I CO1: To Compare and contrast the characteristics and conventions of traditional and make a critical appraisal of plays..

CO2: To demonstrate the ability to contextualize the works of drama, interpret the Thematic and stylistic elements of the plays and appreciate the literary worth. Social relevance and timeless appeal of the plays    .

CO3: To acquire practical knowledge of the dominant movements and trends in Victorian period drama, in terms of performance and processes of theatrical productions

CO4: To understand the insights, genres, conventions and experimentations associated with English Drama, and the knowledge of historical, socio-political, and religious trends in the plays.

CO5: To Comprehend the origin and development of drama from the Classical to the Modern age.

  29ADSC6 PRESENTATION SKILL CO1: To prepare the students enriched with behavioral outcomes such as articulation of non verbal communication

CO2: To make students keep ready with presenting PPT skills

CO3: To make sure students of their determination in group discussion energetically

CO4: To enrich students identify their hidden abilities in presenting seminars and workshops in matter with English speaking on the stage

CO5: To make students compete with challenging skills when they are at interrogative sessions



CO1: To comprehend the outline History of English Literature based on political, religious and social activities.

CO2: To acquire knowledge about three basic genres of literature namely poetry, prose and drama along with their subdivisions emergence in various ages.

CO3: To discuss how literature also influences the social and political history of each period.

CO4: To delineate major writers and their works in chronological order and to compare English literature of one period with that of another.

CO5: To recognize how the religious, social and political history of England influences the English writers from 6th to 21st Century



CO1: Understand and apply written and oral communication skills to business.

CO2: Understand and analyze the global legal environment.

CO3: To familiarize the complex problems, find and deploy a variety of legal authorities, and communicate effectively in a variety of settings.

CO4:Understand and Develop skills in business situations.

CO5:Acquire the knowledge about the constitution of India.

 SS-I COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH CO1:Develop and effectively communicate through verbal/oral communication and improve the listening skills.

CO2:Develop and actively participate in group discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare & deliver presentations.

CO3:Understand and develop effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of team work, Inter- personal relationships, conflict management and leadership quality.

CO4:Understand the individual through goal/target setting, self motivation and practicing creative thinking.

CO5:Acquire the knowledge about the correct usage and conversation practice.



CO1: To identify the concepts of basic Grammar.

CO2: To understand the proficiency of the English writer’s narrative skill’s of their experience.

CO3:To express their own notions, in prose, poetry and short story.

CO4:To develop an interest for literature and language

CO5: To distinguish the development of prose through different periods.

  29ADSC7 PROSE-II CO1: To acquire knowledge of the history of English prose writings.

CO2: To understand the nuances of language, structure and composition of ideas in English prose

CO3: To describe different kinds of prose writings with an eye to their form and content.

CO4: To appraise the values of life through various styles of reflection on life.

CO5: To apply cogent and well-structured essays and also enhance their vocabulary and sentence formation.





CO1:To recall different types of fiction and writers

CO2: To recognize the different types of narrative techniques.

CO3: To assess mastery in aspects of plot, setting, themes, characters related to fictional work.

CO4 : To analyze the theme and setting of a fictional work

CO5: To identify the literary, cultural, historical, political influence of fictional works in the literary world.







CO1: To comprehend the various genres of English Literature such as poetry, drama and prose detailing overall and common core patterns existing among them.

CO2: To become familiar with representative literary and cultural text within a significant number of historical, geographical and cultural contexts.

CO3: To identify and describe the values and themes that appears in literary Forms or conceptual frameworks.

CO4: To ethically gather and understand the information from a variety of written and electronic sources.

CO5: To analyses the types of devices of drama and prose




CO1: To understand the crux of listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills to enhance their communicative and writing language.

CO2: To comprehend the basic parts of speech to frame a better sentence.

CO3: To pronounce the words in proper intonation

CO4: To identify the basics of oral communication and practice them in academic, social and professional situations.

CO5: To familiarize with the art of writing.

 NME-I GENERAL AWARENESS CO1:This course is designed to create social awareness at a preliminary level for students across the board.

CO2:To help the students to upgrade their knowledge on currentchallenges and issues of Indian society.

CO3:Understand and acquire the knowledge about the current information around the world.

CO4:Understand the multi-cultural diversity of Indian society through its demographic composition.

CO5:To understand the different levels of government administration.




CO1:Problem solving techniques for aptitude problems

CO2:Prepare themselves for various competitive examinations.

CO3:Applications of simple formulae

CO4:Acquaintance to shortcut methods

CO5:Acquaintance to various elementary concepts

  E04 ENGLISH-IV CO1: To understand the narrative style of the renowned prolific writers’ personal experiences

CO2: To analyze and demonstrate their writing skills.

CO3: To cherish the populous works of eminent classical writers.

CO4: To develop an ability to write in appropriate genres for a variety of purposes and audience

CO5: To be aware of important grammar and confidence in their own voice as a writer

 29ADSC9 POETRY –II CO1: To identify the concepts of basic Grammar

CO2: To understand the proficiency of the English writer’s narrative skill’s of their experience

CO3: To express their own notions, in prose, poetry and short story.

CO4: To develop an interest for literature and language

CO5: To distinguish the development of prose through different periods.

29ADSC10 DRAMA – II CO1:To develop a multilayered understanding of the society, culture, political and artistic milieu of the play and playwright

CO2: To examine how exposition, conflicts, climax and denouement or the lack of them are effectively used by the playwright

CO3: To analyze how comedy, absurd and face are treated to comment on society.

CO4: To explain how the setting and stage directions are crucial in the plot development

CO5: To create the concept of vision and performance

  29AAL4 LITERARY CRITICISM CO1: Get an initiation to the fundamentals of literary criticism and become aware of the fundamentals, definition of literary Criticism.

CO2: Apply the key concepts of practical critic in their research

CO3: Conduct a close reading of a poem, prose or other genres and develop the skills of critical thinking

CO4: Make an objective evaluation of the given work of art with respect to its form, content and techniques of creative compaction.

CO5: Differentiate through consistent practice, varied theories enough the reading of multiple tasks.



CO1: To apply listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills in communicative English

CO2: To write business English for communication

CO3: To familiarize with the sentence patterns

CO4: To develop interest to participate in social campaigns online

CO5: To demonstrate soft skill through interviews, group discussions, telephonic conversations, etc.

   NME-II WOMEN’S RIGHTS CO1:To gain an understanding about barriers of society and impact of law to mitigate this issues

CO2:To make students understand the basic concepts in comparative politics.

CO3: To understand the relationship between patriarchy, power and violence.

CO4:To recognize key women’s human rights defenders who have made important contribution to furthering the rights of women and girls.

CO5: Demonstrate a working knowledge of feminism and the field of Women and Gender Studies.



 CO1:Problem solving techniques for aptitude problems

CO2:Prepare themselves for various competitive examinations.

CO3:Applications of simple formulae

CO4:Acquaintance to shortcut methods

CO5:Applying the techniques in real life problems





CO1:Identify and apply the elements of social activities

CO2:Demonstrate effective use of government schemes and projects

CO3:Investigate visual strengths to promote NCC activities

CO4:Identify and apply the sustainable use of club activities

CO5:Create the awareness to people about the environmental pollution





CO1: To understand greatness of Shakespeare in the usage of language and characterizations.

CO2: To analyze the personality traits of dominant characters, themes and plots portrayed by Shakespeare.

CO3: To develop sufficient ability for reading and understanding Elizabethan English.

CO4: To analyze Shakespeare’s works critically.

CO5: To understand the development of Shakespearean theaters.




CO1: To understand the American style of writing and ideologies like transcendentalism, corruption, pride, power and obsession along with spiritualism and Christian values.

CO2: To demonstrate through class discussion and writing their ability to contextualize a given work of American Literature historically and culturally.

CO3: To demonstrate an awareness of the social, historical, literary and cultural elements of the changes in American Literature.

CO4: To develop a broader knowledge on human ideas, beliefs and social values.

CO5: To examine the refined skills – Reading, Writing, Listening and speaking effectively.



CO1: To learn the essentials of English grammar.

CO2: To be skillful in composition part which mould them to score in competitive examinations

CO3: Identify and rectify common errors in speaking and writing.

CO4: To familiarize with the sentence patterns.

CO5: To examine the refined skills – Reading, Writing, Listening and speaking effectively.



CO1: To Sketch the history of theatre with particular attention to the evolution of stylistic and aesthetic trends.

CO2: To differentiate various schools and forms of drama.

CO3: To examine the use of theatrical devices.

CO4: To read, rehears and perform a play or part of it, written by a native or foreign Dramatist.

CO5: To assess the verbal and visual language of drama.



CO1: To enables the students to know about the art of public speaking.

CO2: To train students in planning a speech and then draft it.

CO3: To acquaint students with the major practices in effective public speaking.

CO4: To help students overcome the fear of facing an audience.

CO5: To create interest in public speaking.

 29ADSE2A ELECTIVE – II-A PHONETICS CO1: To identify the symbols of all the 44 sounds in English and try to produce the Received Pronunciation and Transcription of the sounds.

CO2: To explain the major organs of speech production and demonstrate how they are involved in pronouncing each phoneme.

CO3: To sensitize regarding the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation and rhythms.

CO4: To compare the components of Linguistics like Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics.

CO5: To improve the fluency in spoken English and neutralize mother tongue influence.



CO1: To identify the shared features of various literatures.

CO2: To understand national literature and literary traditions within the context of world Literature.

CO3: To understand the major components of comparative literature.

CO4: To discover universality and timelessness of various literary texts.

CO5: To compare literary texts from different historical and literary background.

 29ADSE2C ELECTIVE – II – C WRITING SKILLS CO1: To appraise business communication contents and categorize them.

CO2: To distinguish between formal and informal modes of communication.

CO3: To draft research reports and articles.

CO4: To write business letters which are internationally acceptable.

CO5: To help in drafting any business communication.



CO1: To identify the study of sounds in English words

CO2: To understanding how to write different kinds of sentences in English.

CO3: To construct effective sentences in English.

CO4: To classify how to frame questions and sentences according to the situation.

CO5: To recognize how to write the facts in different situations in life.

  MANAGERIAL SKILLS CO1:Develop and effectively communicate through verbal/ oral communication and improve the listening skills.

CO2:Develop and actively participate in group discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare & deliver presentations.

CO3:Understand and develop effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of team work, Inter- personal relationships, conflict management and leadership quality.

CO4: Understand the individual through goal/target setting, self motivation and practicing creative thinking.

CO5: Acquire the knowledge about the reasoning ability and mental attitude.






CO1: Comprehend the general features of Shakespeare’s writing, especially the salient features of the types of his play such as comedies, tragedies and historical plays along with the knowledge of Shakespearean audience and the theatre and also Shakespeare’s genius not only as playwright but also a poet.

CO2: Understand the significance of the social, historical and cultural context of Shakespeare plays.

CO3: Develop interest in Shakespeare language his use of images and the word play.

CO4: Appreciate Shakespeare’s skill of characterization, plot construction use of humor and wit, song and music.

CO5: Appreciate and develop an interest in the themes and the poetic form and devices of Shakespeare’s sonnets.



CO1: To relate about the best writings of Tagore and helps the readers in better reading and writing skills.

CO2: To recognize about self-infinity or endlessness, a natural consequence.

CO3: To Identify Tagore’s writing filled with images of human activity and habitation.

CO4: To examine about Tagore’s fascination and absorption in heritage.

CO5: To analyze understandings of women – their discontents and dilemmas in the patriarchal society.




CO1: To classify the major genres in Indian Writing in English.

CO2: To identify the major literary and unique features in Indian Writing in English.

CO3: To discuss the major class / caste issues in the context of Indian literature.

CO4: To describe the use of myth in Indian Writing in English and its contemporary relevance.

CO5: To relish the aesthetic beauty of Indian environment in English writing and its usage.



CO1: To correctly use current vocabulary in a variety of linguistic subfields such as Semantics, Language acquisitions and Neurolinguistics.

CO2: To analyze complex roles in terms of derivation, inflexion, and compounding, explain the grammaticality or ungrammaticality of words using correct technical vocabulary.

CO3: To demonstrate cross-linguistic variety of word-building strategies.

CO4: To analyze language change over-time and different dialects.

CO5: To enable them to pronounce and write correct words to bring out the right Meaning.



CO1: To enable students to recognize themes and techniques.

CO2: To train them in writing critiques of novels.

CO3: To enable them to have thorough knowledge about the concept of a Novel.

CO4: To help in drafting a novel.

CO5: To make sense of creating screen plays in alliance with the plots.



CO1: To give a broad view about word and its classifications.

CO2: To be aware of written communications in business sectors.

CO3: To encourage in writing business communications.

CO4: To aware of different writing in sectors of the society.

CO5: To enable in writing better written business communication in English.

 29ADSE4 ELECTIVE – IV TRANSLATION STUDIES CO1: To understand the significance of how translation bridges cultures across India.

CO2: To relish the task of translating interdisciplinary languages.

CO3: To encourage the students study the style of writing.

CO4: To make students aware of the difference in culture and style of living respective to the regions people live in.

CO5: To discover the richness of different literatures.



CO1: To learn in writing different kinds of sentences.

CO2: To understand the study of sounds.

CO3: To helping in framing questions and sentences according to the Situation.

CO4: To expose them to high order writing in different scenarios.

CO5: To recognize how to write the facts in different situations in life.

SS3 MANAGERIAL SKILLS CO1: Developand      effectively       communicate through verbal/oral communication and improve the listening skills.

CO2: Develop and actively participate in group discussion / meetings / interviews and prepare & deliver presentations.

CO3: Understand and develop effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of team work, Inter- personal relationships, conflict management and leadership quality.

CO4: Understand the individual through goal/target setting, self motivation and practicing creative thinking.

CO5: Acquire the knowledge about the reasoning ability and mental

 CLUB ACTIVITIES CO1: Identify and apply the elements of club activities

CO2: Demonstrate effective use of government schemes and projects

CO3: Investigate visual strengths to promote club activities

CO4: Identify and apply the sustainable use of club activities

CO5: Create the awareness to the student about club activities